Live Webinar – Turbo-Charging Skills; Industries to Watch

Online Event

About this event NAEN Webinar: Ideas, Information and Inspiration Series Turbocharging Skills; Industries to Watch The National Apprentice Employment Network is delighted to announce the next in our ‘Ideas, Information and Inspiration’ series of live webinars. Australia’s skills landscape is being transformed by work in three industry sectors – mining, digital and human services. These three…


NSW & ACT Group Training Awards

Online Event

Friday 8 October, 4pm 2021 NSW & ACT Group Training Awards recognise outstanding achievement in the vocational education and training sector. The awards reward and honour the achievements of apprentices, trainees, host employers and group training organisations. Find out more

Live Webinar – Board Performance for GTOs

Online Event

Join us for our next live webinar: Launch of GTO Governance Handbook, and Workshop Tuesday 9 November 2021, 2.30-4.00 pm AEDT The National Apprentice Employment Network is pleased to announce the launch of the updated GTO Governance Handbook – an important resource for GTOs to help keep pace with the many recent changes to corporate…

Apprentice Employment Network, WA – Training Awards

Online Event

About the 2021 Awards of Excellence The Apprentice Employment Network WA (AEN WA) conducts the 2020 Awards of Excellence to recognise outstanding achievements in the vocational education and training sector. The awards reward and honour the achievements of our member group training organisation apprentices, trainees and host employers. For more information please visit website.

NAEN’s Today’s Skills : Tomorrow’s Leaders Program

The Today’s Skills, Tomorrow’s Leaders (TSTL) program has been voted an outstanding success by previous participants and has resulted in several significant changes in their attitudes and work practices. The program highlights the high calibre of apprentices and trainees who are employed through group training. Taking place in Canberra in May 2022, nominations from NAEN…

NAEN 2023 Conference

Marvel Stadium Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The NAEN 2023 Conference will be held in Melbourne in August 2023. Key dates: NAEN Members Only Lunch: Tuesday 15 August 2023 Welcome Event: Tuesday 15 August 2023 Conference: Wednesday 16 August 2023 Conference 1/2 day: Thursday 17 August 2023 followed by optional World Skills National Competition Tour after lunch (TBC) Tickets on sale now!

NAEN’s Today’s Skills : Tomorrow’s Leaders Program

The Today’s Skills, Tomorrow’s Leaders (TSTL) program has been voted an outstanding success by previous participants and has resulted in several significant changes in their attitudes and work practices. The program highlights the high calibre of apprentices and trainees who are employed through group training. Taking place in Canberra 3-8 September, nominations from NAEN Member…