Real Skills for Real Careers

The Australian Government and the National Apprentice Employment Network encourage young people to look at all career options, including Vocational Education and Training. See below a list of resources to help discover the many options in VET for all Australians.

My Skills Website

The My Skills website is the national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses. It is an Australian Government initiative to enable consumers to search for, and compare, VET courses and training providers.

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Skills@Work Newsletter

Skills@Work is a national, bi-monthly newsletter for the VET sector that’s distributed on the first and third Monday of each month. It features a mixture of news articles and announcements, upcoming events and case studies on Australian VET Alumni members. If not already, please subscribe to this newsletter to keep up to date with what’s happening in the sector.

Real Skills for Real Careers Narrative

Click here to see the Real Skills for Real Careers narrative which provides a concise guide on what the Australian Government is doing to raise the status of VET.

Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors and Australian VET Alumni


Click on a link below to see the good news stories of individuals who have succeeded through Group Training Organisations:


Discover more about the many ways you can succeed through vocational education and training by visiting