2023 Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders program
NAEN is thrilled to announce the successful completion of Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders (TSTL) 2023, our flagship professional development program for member group training apprentices and trainees, which took place in Canberra from 3-8 September 2023.
Once again, NAEN partnered with the National Careers Institute to bring TSTL to life. This five-day residential program included a visit to Parliament House and opportunities to meet with MPs and ministers. The program was formally launched at Government House by Governor-General, His Excellency General David Hurley, who also serves as the Patron of NAEN.
This year, we had the privilege of selecting 25 outstanding apprentices and trainees from across Australia to participate in TSTL. This group included five nominees from the Australian Training Awards and twenty individuals from the Group Training network nationally.
Renowned career development and leadership expert, Bruce Sullivan, led the central training, with support from Leonie Stanfield. Participants were provided with valuable opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and self-management abilities. They were challenged to take their current training success to new heights and equipped with practical tools to clarify their future visions.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participants of TSTL 2023 and wish them a future filled with lifelong learning, self-discovery, and endless possibilities.
To stay updated on the remarkable impact of this program, we invite you to follow the official TSTL Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
View all TSTL-Participants 2023 here
About the 2022 Program – 15 May to 20 May
Today’s Skills, Tomorrow’s Leaders (TSTL) is a professional development program that has been delivered through the National Apprentice Employment Network (previously Group Training Australia) since 2004, with more than 240 outstanding apprentice and trainee graduates participating over this period.
The 2022 program focussed on the key theme “what success means” on a personal level. A full week of engaging and collaborative exercises took participants on a journey of self-development and equipped them with vital skills to practice self-leadership throughout their life and career.
The program was facilitated by Bruce Sullivan, along with Leonie Stanfield as co-facilitator.
Nineteen apprentices and trainees who were completing, or who had successfully completed, their apprenticeship or traineeship through a NAEN member Group Training Organisation (GTO) participated in the program. The program also welcomed two VET graduates who were represented at the 2021 Australian Training Awards.
TSTL emphasised a theme of “collaboratively uncovering tacit knowledge” – this was applied to each participant’s current life and career situation, so they could reflect on their TSTL learnings in a practical way. Throughout the program, participants were invited to add context, perspectives, experiences, expectations, values, and their own reflection.
Thank you to all those involved in our 2022 TSTL program!